Vertical 73 is all about answering our doubts and fears that would creep up to us in life. We are constantly challenged, God’s Word is consistently undermined in our world and, sometimes on this side of heaven, we have doubts.
Where the Idea for Vertical 73 Came from
Dealing with doubt is what we must do if we are to walk with God. On April 28, 2019 Dr Mark Harris preached a sermon titled, “Dealing With Doubt.” Through the sermon we visit a song writers journey as he dealt with doubt in his life. The song writers name is Asaph and he was a priest in Israel during the time of King David.
The problem for Asaph is that he was doubting because he had a horizontal vision when he should have had a vertical vision. Psalm 73 is his journey in changing his vision back to a vertical, looking at God and not looking at the world vision.
Here is a link if you would like to hear that sermon.
Vertical 73 Mission
Vertical 73 will do nothing but point us to Christ. To give us a vertical vision that will gives a proper perspective in life so we can honor God and worship him correctly and love on those around us as Jesus did with those who were around him when he was here on earth.
Vertical 73 will as the verse says, “Fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.” Hebrews 12